Monday, October 25, 2010

My Scary Moment

The year has really gone by fast! It's already almost Halloween! And this week on Top Sites Tuesday, Blogdumps is asking us to share a scary story, scary moment, or a ghost story.

If you ask me, nothing was scarier than the moment I watched the movie CARRIE alone as a kid. (Hmmm...I wonder why my parents weren't supervising what I was watching at that time?).

I thought the adolescent experiences Carrie was going through were traumatic enough but when she went to the prom and got her unexpected joy washed away in pig's blood, I knew she was going to lose it.

But I didn't expect her to come home to find no support or sympathy for her pain. Instead she came home to find her own mother had lost her sanity.

I know I jumped out of my seat at the ending scene. It was such a serene scene and so touching to find out how much someone in school actually cared for Carrie.

AAAAHHHH!!! I'm not going to spoil it for you if you have not seen the movie yet. I'm just going to warn you...this was such a scary movie that I have never forgotten it or how I felt when I watched it. That's probably why it's such a classic horror film.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

A Look at Showbiz Break-Ups

Yes, everyone loves to talk about it.  Celebrities and their failing marriages.  It's nothing new.  Very few celebrities seem to be able to stay married to the same partner for a lifetime.  Those that do stay together longest are either staying out of the spotlight (hence able to keep their private lives PRIVATE) or not legally married (like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell).  What's up with that?!

I thought I'd take a look back at some of the popular celebrity break-ups (sorry if I didn't pick out any of your faves to include in here).  I noticed familiar patterns about their public appearances just before their break-up announcements.  You can just tell they're not happy together.  It's so visible in their body language

Look at Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman in the picture above.  They're both pre-occupied with their texting phones instead of paying attention to each other or with their surroundings.  I didn't include them here but a lot of the pictures I've seen of them together do not look like a very happy couple - even when they first got married.  Why is it that I hardly ever see Jordan Bratman smile?  You'd think that he'd show how happy he was being married to a woman that millions of young men would gladly trade places with him for.

Even my favorite young actress, Reese Witherspoon has had her share of unhappy public relationships.  Her marriage to Ryan Phillipe didn't last despite having such beautiful children together.  In the picture above, you can see how they're both looking away from each other.  It's like there was something more interesting to look at in their opposite directions.  

I think that my favorite female musical performer of all time, Madonna, may have had a lot of soul-searching in her life (which included a failed first marriage to Sean Penn) before she settled down with Guy Ritchie.  It seemed finally that she had the perfect showbiz marriage for awhile.  Guy was protective of her (kind of like Sean Penn was) but not so anti-papparazzi (unlike Sean Penn was) enough to punch someone for holding a camera in front of the couple.  Yet you could tell in their pictures (like the one above) that something just wasn't going right.  When you see even a camera-loving star like Madonna looking like she doesn't want to be out in public and her partner not even loosening up to smile a bit, it kinda makes you wonder just how happy they are together.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What's Up, Dora?

Dora the Explorer is in the news again!  The last time I blogged about her was when the Tween Dora was going to be launched.  That was just early last year.  Remember that?  Does anyone know if the Tween Dora ever took off?  My daughter just stuck to the original Dora books and DVDs so I didn't bother to find out.
(photo from the 2008 press release)

(more recent photo of Caitlyn Sanchez)

This time, Dora the Explorer got in the news because Caitlyn Sanchez - the human behind young Dora's voice - was suing Nickelodeon, MTV, and Viacom for hundreds of millions that she and her family believe Caitlyn were swindled of by being forced to sign her contract in less than a half hour's time without being given an opportunity to consult with an attorney.  It was a sign now or lose it moment for the 12 year old.  

Wait!  Isn't that how a lot of opportunities in life come by?  Does that mean I should sue my former employers who made a fortune in their businesses by paying a college student (like I was at the time) minimum wage?  

I don't mean to mock the poor girl, but come on now.  Some opportunities come with a cost and sometimes the results just aren't fair.  But like the saying goes - you win some, you lose some.  And if there were any doubts before, why didn't her family consult an attorney to amend the contract sooner?  Now it just makes her look like she's trying to dig deeper into Daddy's pockets because the allowance just wasn't enough.  Sorry, girl!  I do hope you get your fair share.  Unfortunately, the media attention you're getting from this isn't really making you look good.

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